Industrial Training Video Production Tips

Industrial training videos are effective tools that organizations can use to improve their workforce’s capabilities, engagement, and productivity. They are much more engaging and impactful than text-based training materials and are very cost-effective.

 But to get the most out of your training video, it’s important to create a video that connects with your team, effectively conveys a message, and maintains your viewers’ attention until the end. Your video should be able to effectively educate viewers and teach them a new skill.

 To help you maximize the impact of your training program, here are six tips for creating an effective industrial training video.

What is a Training Video?

Training videos are a type of marketing video that is designed to teach a specific audience how to perform a task, do a job, achieve a goal, or introduce them to a new business initiative.

 Training videos can cover nearly any topic and offer an engaging way for industrial and manufacturing businesses to teach their employees a new concept. They can be animated or live-action, educational or instructional, and may feature actors or employees acting out real-world scenarios.

 As most people find video content much more engaging and accessible than text-based content, industrial training videos are often much more effective than training manuals at elevating the skill level of industrial and manufacturing teams.

Training Video Benefits

Training videos offer several benefits to businesses in the industrial and manufacturing industry.

 Industrial training videos:

 ●     Are cost-effective

●     Boost productivity by creating a more skilled workforce

●     Create a consistent and unified training experience

●     Make onboarding more efficient

●     Increase employee engagement and retention rates

 Industrial training videos are an essential tool for businesses that want to improve the quality of their training materials.

 6 Industrial Training Video Production Tips

Creating an effective training video involves establishing an effective message, writing a great script, and analyzing important metrics to evaluate its effectiveness.

 Keep these six tips in mind to create a more impactful industrial training video.

Choose the right type of video

The type of training video that you choose will impact the amount of time and money required to produce it.

 There are several types of industrial training videos to consider, including:

 ●     Corporate training: Internal training videos that often focus on customer service and corporate policies.

●     Onboarding: Onboarding videos help new employees understand the basic policies and procedures necessary to perform their job, They also introduce new hires to the company culture.

●     How-to: These videos teach employees new tasks and procedures by demonstrating them step-by-step.

●     Screencasts: Screencasts show a recording of a computer screen to teach employees how to use software.

●     Health & safety: Educate employees on company health and safety policies.

 It’s important to consider what type of video you want to make before starting the planning process.

Establish your key message

Choosing a relevant and important topic for your video is the next step. Consider who your audience is, what you want them to learn, and what appeals to them.

 Do you want to reinforce company health and safety policies after a recent workplace accident? Are you introducing your employees to new manufacturing procedures? Are you announcing company news?

 Identifying your key message early will ensure your training video is focused and concise.

Write a script

Next, you should create a script and storyboard to plan out your training video. For training videos, scripts should be as to the point as possible to ensure employees understand the core message of the video.

 Take time to rehearse your script to ensure it flows well, sounds natural, and is informative. Reading your script out loud will also help you determine whether or not your video is longer than it should be.

Keep it short

Training videos need to effectively instill a message and educate viewers on the topic at hand. To avoid losing viewers’ attention, your video should be as short and concise as possible.

 While the ideal video length depends on the scope of the training material, it’s important to avoid cramming too much information into one video. Ideally, training videos should be under 10 minutes when possible. If your video exceeds this length, try cutting it down or splitting it into multiple parts to make the information easier to digest.

Add captions and annotations

Add captions and annotations to your video to create a better and more accessible viewing experience. Not only does this help accommodate employees that may be hard of hearing, but it also allows you to deliver your message in another format for employees that learn better by reading than viewing.

Analyze performance

Measuring your video’s performance will help you understand how effective it is and how you can refine it for better results.

Often, employers include quizzes to test employees’ knowledge and ensure they understood the video’s core messages. If the majority of your employees achieve a poor quiz score, it’s likely that the video is not as informative or engaging as it should be. You can also invite employees to complete a survey that asks whether or not they enjoyed the video and how it can be improved.

Working With Digital Spark Studios

Industrial training videos can help your industrial and manufacturing business create a more skilled and productive workforce.

 At Digital Spark Studios, we work with industrial and manufacturing companies to help them plan and produce engaging training videos that lead to improved efficiency and productivity. Our production team will work with you to create a video that is true to your brand, educates your workforce, and streamlines your training process.

 Contact us today to learn more about our professional industrial training video production services.

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