Types of Industrial Safety Videos

Workplace safety is a top priority for any business, particularly industrial and manufacturing businesses where employees work with potentially dangerous equipment and materials. To minimize work-related accidents and injuries, it’s important to produce high-quality industrial safety videos to distribute to your employees.

There are several different types of safety videos, and to ensure your workforce is familiar with all of your company’s safety processes and procedures, it’s important to create multiple videos that cover different aspects of workplace safety.

Here’s everything you need to know about the different types of industrial safety videos.

Common Industrial Safety Hazards

Industrial safety videos help employees avoid accidents and injuries by teaching them important safety procedures. They also help businesses reduce their liability risk by reducing the total number of workplace accidents.

Industrial businesses come with a wide range of common safety hazards, including:

●     Equipment malfunctions and misuse

●     Mishandling of tools

●     Chemical injuries

●     Electrical injuries

●     Falls

●     Spills

To protect employees against hazards like these, employers need to properly train their employees and reinforce key safety procedures. One of the best ways to do this is to create and distribute a series of industrial safety videos.

5 Types of Industrial Safety Videos

Safety videos can cover a wide range of topics, from equipment safety to fire safety. To minimize workplace accidents as much as possible, it’s important to create several safety training videos that prepare employees for any hazards they might encounter.

Here are the five most common types of industrial safety videos.

1. Safety procedure training videos

Industrial and manufacturing businesses should start by creating a general safety training video that goes over your workplace’s basic safety policies and procedures.

This might cover topics such as how to dress at work, how to avoid common workplace accidents, what to do if an employee is injured at work, and similar topics. More complex topics, like how to handle certain equipment or machinery, should typically be explained in a separate video.

2. Equipment safety videos

Industrial businesses often require employees to work with potentially dangerous equipment and machinery, making it incredibly important to train employees on how to properly run their equipment.

Equipment safety videos may cover how to operate a forklift or how to safely work on a conveyor belt. These videos may be accompanied by infographics to help employees visualize important safety procedures.

3. Hazard prevention videos

Hazard prevention videos help employees understand all of the hazards they might encounter while on the job. These videos are important as they prepare employees for hazardous situations and explain what they should do to avoid injuries in these situations.

These videos often use the same format as explainer videos. Hazard prevention videos should clearly explain common workplace hazards, how employees can keep themselves safe, and how they can keep their coworkers safe by building safe habits.

4. Fire safety training videos

Fires are a risk that any business faces, and employees need to know what to do if there is a fire. You may be surprised to know how many of your crew members don’t know how to operate basic fire safety equipment like fire extinguishers or fire blankets.

Industrial and manufacturing businesses should create fire safety training videos that teach employees how to avoid fires, how to operate fire safety equipment, and what to do if there is a fire.

5. How-to videos

How-to videos are incredibly effective at teaching employees how to perform certain tasks, operate equipment, and carry out workplace procedures. To improve your staff’s training knowledge, you can create a series of short and to-the-point how-to videos that explain key safety practices to employees.

How-to videos can be as short as 90-seconds in length, and by creating a library of these videos, your employees can easily reference them if they need a refresher on how to complete a certain job or task.

Working With Digital Spark Studios

Employees at industrial and manufacturing businesses face a wide range of hazards every day. From equipment malfunctions to fires and slip and falls, it’s important to teach employees how to avoid common workplace accidents and what to do if they are injured while at work.

At Digital Spark Studios, we work with industrial businesses to create high-quality safety resources and training libraries that help them reduce their risk of workplace injuries. Our experienced creative team will work with you every step of the way to produce safety videos that suit your specific needs and address your company’s risk factors.

Contact Us today to learn more about our professional industrial safety video production services.


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