4 Ways Explainer Videos Build Your Brand

An explainer video is a brief video created to, as you may be able to guess, explain a product or service. Brands create explainer videos because they’re dynamic, engaging, and effective for sales and marketing. They can be pushed as advertisements on social media or embedded on your website to really highlight the product. When they’re well-made, explainer videos can also be great for building your brand. Here’s how it works.

  1. Explainer Videos Are Easily Shareable

Sharing videos is easy. Most people do it every day. And shorter videos, like a 1-2 minute explainer video, get shared the most. By creating content that people want to share, you enable your customers to do your marketing for you. On social media in particular, having brief and informative video content is powerful—posts with videos get 10 times as much engagement as plain text posts. So why tell people about your product when you can show them, and they can show their friends?

2. Explainer Videos Boost Your Image

Explainer videos are also a great way to contribute to a positive brand image. So many companies, especially online, are willing to deceive and scam consumers for a quick buck. With an explainer video, you show off your products and willingly provide information about them. This sets you apart from scammers hiding behind vague product descriptions and edited photos. Customers and potential customers will view your business as more accessible and honest when you lead with explainer video content.

3. Explainer Videos Demonstrate a Commitment to Quality

A high-quality explainer video says great things about your brand. Not only does it make you look polished and professional, but when your marketing materials are high-quality, people will naturally infer that your brand values quality on a broader scale. This creates a positive impression and communicates to potential customers that your products are also likely to be well-made and durable.

4. Explainer Videos Make Your Customer Base Feel Understood

A good explainer video presents a problem a customer faces and then demonstrates how your product can solve that problem. When this is done well, it can make your customers feel that your brand truly understands and cares about their needs. It shows how your company gets those customers in a way that your competitors never could. Building relatability is critical for brands and explainer videos are one tool you can use to accomplish this.

Explain Your Brand Through Video with Digital Spark Studios

Digital Spark Studios is a full-service video production agency based out of Charlotte, NC. We’ve created explainer videos for a variety of brands across a range of industries. Contact us if you’re interested in working together on creating unique and effective video marketing materials.


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