The Applications and Benefits of Industrial Video

interior of an industrial warehouse

In the industrial and manufacturing world, video content and video marketing are often underutilized because not everyone understands the value of industrial video. In fact, industrial brands have an enormous amount to gain by taking advantage of the various applications of industrial video marketing and industrial video content.

The Applications of Industrial Video Content

There are a wide variety of different types of industrial videos you can utilize both for marketing and within your organization. Each type of video content has unique applications.

Explainer Videos

Explainer videos are valuable for introducing new concepts, products, or services. If your company is making a change that your clients and customers should know about, explainer videos are an effective way to inform them. Customers appreciate explainer videos because they suggest brand transparency and can be useful in making informed purchasing choices.

Company History Videos

To build your brand and engender loyalty from your customers, company history videos can be a powerful tool. These are great for more than just sharing the literal history of your company—they communicate your core values, beliefs, and ethos on an organizational level. Adding a company history video to your homepage or your ‘About’ page can take your website to the next level.

Product Demonstration Videos

Product demos are one of the simplest yet most useful types of video marketing content you can make. In these videos, you simply demonstrate your products’ features and functionality. They can be used in marketing emails, to promote your items on social media, and to boost sales when you add them to your product listings.

Thought Leadership Videos

Thought leadership videos are designed to establish your company as an expert on a specific subject in your industry. They can be used on your website or your social media as a means to differentiate your company from the competition.

Testimonial Videos

Testimonials are one of the most effective video marketing tools available to you. Testimonials create an emotional response, build your company’s credibility, and incite feelings of trust in potential customers. While talking up your brand is important, prospects will be more likely to value testimony from a client than a brand representative. If you have good testimonials, they have highly versatile applications—post them on your social media, send them out in your email newsletters, and make them easy to find on your website. It’ll make all the difference.

Training Videos

You can also utilize industrial video content for internal purposes. Industrial work environments require both job training and safety training. Safety instructions and job-related information can both be offered in video format. Longer training videos can augment your current training program; shorter versions can be used as how-to guides in your employee knowledge base.

The Benefits of Industrial Video Content

When industrial brands utilize video content and video marketing, it can offer significant benefits.


Video marketing materials can be invaluable in differentiating your company from your competition, especially in the industrial space. Most industrial brands aren’t fully leveraging video in their marketing strategies, and those that are incorporating video generally aren’t doing so effectively. Video content empowers you to prove that your company is savvy, show off your brand personality, and build loyalty within your customer base.


Older marketing strategies still have their place, but you can diversify your marketing strategy by incorporating video. Video marketing materials can hold consumers’ attention longer than text-based content and are easier to share. This enables you to reach a broader audience than you could with just direct mail and email newsletters.


By creating video training materials, you can better support your new and existing employees. Video creates a consistent training experience so you can ensure training goes smoothly for every new hire. It also prevents your seasoned employees from having to take time out of their day to train new employees. With video training content, the onboarding experience for new hires is faster and easier. Plus, existing employees can always refer back to those training materials for a refresher without disrupting anyone else’s work to ask questions. This promotes productivity, independence, and cohesion in the workplace.

Ignite Your Digital Spark

If getting started with industrial video feels overwhelming, don’t worry. Digital Spark Studios is a full-service video production and video marketing agency based out of Charlotte, NC specializing in industrial and manufacturing video content. If you’re ready to ignite your digital spark, you can contact us today.


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